Haqqani: Efforts are underway to standardize Afghan universities



The Taliban seized political power in Afghanistan for the second time nearly five months ago. Since then, the group has closed the gates of Afghan universities and barred girls from entering schools. The standardization process of Afghan universities continues, and the Ministry of Higher Education of the Islamic Emirates Government is trying to equip Afghan universities with the most advanced educational systems as soon as possible, in a meeting Abdul Baqi Haqqani the shadow minister of the Taliban acting government has stated that the ministry is working on standardization of Afghan Universities.

Abdul Baqi Haqqani, the acting head of the Taliban Ministry of Higher Education, said at a meeting held the day before that the Ministry of Higher Education is working to make Afghanistan’s universities more standard. “Currently, efforts are underway to equip Afghan universities with advanced education systems, and soon all Afghan universities will be equipped with advanced equipment. In addition, teaching hospitals are expected to be equipped, and we are working to achieve this objective as soon as possible and make the universities more advanced in the country.” Haqqani said

The head of the Taliban government’s Higher Education Ministry also stressed that there will soon be educational opportunities for Afghan students abroad and that Islamabad will provide 1,500 scholarships to Afghan students annually. The Taliban-led government official emphasizes that efforts are underway to provide education for Afghan students and that student travel to Pakistan could be an excellent example for Afghans.

The Taliban are talking about standardizing Afghan universities. Still, according to reports, Afghan students have not been able to enter universities for four months now, and Afghan students are currently in a state of disarray. Earlier, the Taliban-led government claimed that the delay in starting university courses in Afghanistan was the lack of standard classes for female students. However, Afghan students claim that the Taliban are trying to prevent students from going to university.

Dozens of students have already protested in the country’s various universities, calling for the reopening of the country’s universities. Still, the Taliban government blamed the lack of a regular education system on girls for delaying reopening the country’s universities. The signing of a new bill on educating girls in these universities will be reopened.